How to live longer


                                                                How to live longer

The world health organization (WHO) usually gives the life expectancy of different people from different parts of the world based on their statistics, the weather , the environment and other factors. for example, the life expectancy of Nigerians ranges from about 50-55 years for both male and female.
Nevertheless, we as humans can still increase our lifespan. adopt the following 5 tips to a long healthy and fulfilling life.

           If you want to live up to a hundred, eating right should be your top priority. By eating right, I mean eating less, increasing your water intake, cutting out junk and processed food from your life and becoming a friend to fruit and vegetables. Eat healthy food rich in whole grains, vegetables, and fruits,and substitute healthier mono saturated and polyunsaturated fat for unhealthy saturated fat and trans fat. Take multivitamins daily, and be sure to get enough calcium and vitamin D. Focus on whole grains and vegetables that are easy to digest and also limit refined carbs.

            I cannot begin to list the health disasters associated with smoking and drinking. There are dozens upon dozens of adverse effects resulting from smoking and drinking. There is lung cancer, hepatitis,  chronic emphysema, heart failure. Not to mention smoking makes you age faster with increased wrinkles. The only reason a smoker will live long is if the individual is lucky enough to have the "longevity gene." you can read about it in my previous articles. Drinking however is not all that bad. One study showed that people who drink lightly( no more than one glass a day) reduce the risk of death from cardiovascular disease. It is good for overall health. But drinking in excess increases the rate of hepatic metabolism which can lead to liver damage.

             We all lead busy lives, and a part of our day that ends up getting cut is sleep. According to Sonya W. Thomas, MD, a PIH Health Family Medicine Doctor, "people should aim to have at least seven to eight hours of sleep every night - any less will decrease the immune system. Poor sleep can lead to different kind of health problems, from obesity to heart disease to depression. Getting good sleep can reverse all these damaging effects and help you live longer.

               Longevity has been linked to happiness, and there is a multitude of evidence showing that happy people live more years. So what exactly is happiness?
                There are three different types, explained by Dr MacKerron... One is life satisfaction- where people think about how their life is going as a whole, and it tends to be strongly related to income. Another is eudaimonia, which is having a purpose in life , such as having kids, volunteering or finding meaning in your job. The third is Hedonia- Happiness from hour to hour- which is often referred to as "smiley face feeling." 
                  A lot of people tell me they cannot find any reason to be upbeat. They always complain about work, their families, bills, money, and the list goes on forever. But that's not true. There must always be something or someone that brings that smile on your face, there is always a reason to smile. All you have to do is look around and find it. Everybody has challenges, some may even be worse that yours; you'll never know. What I always tell myself is "it could have been worse" and instantly, I feel better. Be content with whatever you have, life's for the living, so live it or you're better off dead.

            According to a new study, of more than 3.4 million people, owning a dog is linked to longer life . the research , published in scientific reports, is the latest in a growing body suggesting that canine companions may be god for human health- especially for people who live alone. So if you live alone, it is advisable to become a dog owner or generally a pet owner.

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